We can all think of simple little pleasures that we can no longer experience. And that's largely because of the Lockdown policies that the current Prime Minister has borrowed from Xi Jinping's authoritarian China. Those pleasures might include holidays, visiting relatives, evenings out, school or university life. But we're also missing debate. Whether it's the pub, at the football or anywhere with friends. Honest and open discussion. However that's not all. Because there is precious little debate about either efficacy, costs or morality of the measures implemented by the current Prime Minister. Until now. Because the Cambridge Union debates these lockdown policies on Thursday 28 January 2021.
Even now Parliament is a busted flush, as the House of Commons is largely absent. And with their collective age and decrepitude the House of Lords is mainly in isolation. You might expect the Labour party to be agitated about the loss of civil liberties. Yet the Keir Starmer Covid speech on 11 January suggests the opposite. Because there is no real Parliamentary opposition to the current lockdown myopia.
So it was a real pleasure to watch the Cambridge Union debate lockdown:
This House Believes That Lockdown Was A Mistake
And it was also a pleasure that we could discuss this debate, because up to now the Oxford Union has had most of the running in these pages.
Who would have thought that a Dr Sebastian Gorka Oxford Union speech would prove such a corker? Well, we did. Since his regular utterances on the radio are Read more
It's an ancient institution with a 196 year pedigree. Yet, when it comes to the Oxford Union debating society does pedigree equate to either good breeding or manners? Read more
You can well imagine our surprise last week when we learned about a new approach to clapping by the Oxford University Students Union. Because for a day or Read more
Cambridge Union Debates Disastrous Lockdown Policies
Obviously we are disappointed the whole affair was virtual. Since the real cut and thrust of the Cambridge Union doesn't sit well with this streamed video format. However, we heard some good quality input from:
Still, the Cambridge Union debate's happened. And the anti-lockdown cause won the day.
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