Presentation Rehearsal: 3 Reasons Why it Matters

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Knowing that presentation rehearsal isn’t a chore might be welcome news to any presenter. But that also means you should put in the time and effort to rehearse your presentation. However, it can be difficult to find the time. That’s a problem for everyone. Every speaker. Every presenter. Because there are some good reasons why you should practise your speech or presentation.

Rehearse your presentation

Clearly, when you recognise the value of a good rehearsal you’ll somehow find the essential time to do it right. So, to help you, there are 3 good reasons why you should want to rehearse your presentation.

3 Reasons Why You Should Aim to Rehearse Your Presentation


Grow in confidence. When you rehearse your presentation, PowerPoint or otherwise, you will grow in confidence as a presenter. Simply rehearsing your presentation, out aloud, helps you to build a solid familiarity with your material.

First, learn to appreciate your beginning and ending. Then, savour the flow of your logic as you rehearse each point in your argument. Relish those pauses and imagine your message being well-received.


Edit your material. That’s because rehearsing will help you to edit your material. You should be looking to edit your speech or presentation for the 3 good reasons we note on a PresentPerfect training course.

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Your audience
  3. 3

Rehearsing your speech will help you to edit for the time available. So, when you are a minute over budget, don’t speak more quickly next time. Aim to remove some of your words, a section or a passage. Then time yourself again. Remember not to delete your edited material. Keep it safe somewhere. Perhaps you might need it for another presentation…or answer questions.

Rehearsing your presentation will help you to edit for your audience, removing abbreviations, acronyms and industry-specific jargon. They don’t work with an audience, so take them out.

And your rehearsal is also a great time for you to edit out all those words that will trip you on the day. Big words, long words, multi-syllable words. They probably look fine on paper, until you try to read them out aloud. So, best deleted.


Maybe, try something new. When you rehearse your speech you have the chance to try out some new techniques. They might be techniques that you wouldn’t dream of trying without a rehearsal.

Perhaps a novelty opening. Or an audience participation exercise. Alternatively you might want to practise a cue-in for a multimedia show, lighting effects and so on. Lawyers do it for their trial presentations. So. it’s probably good for them.

So, three good reasons why rehearsing your speech or presentation is a good idea. Then the only thing left to do is find the time!

Why Rehearsal Is Important For Your Presentation

Here are the 3 really good reasons why it’s important to rehearse your presentation.

  1. 1
    Grow in confidence as you rehearse your presentation.
  2. 2
    Edit your material as you rehearse, so that you have a more polished presentation.
  3. 3
    Try something new so that your innovation and creativity inspire you.

You can learn more presentation rehearsal techniques with a public presentation training course organised by Time to Market at a training centre near you.

“Practice is nine-tenths.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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