Here’s a series of public speaking tips and suggestions for you. They are all featured in the Telling it Straight public speaking skills tips newsletter and our PresentPerfectTM public speaking courses.
We can always organise a Time to Market public speaking course at one of more than 40 training centres in the UK. Or, of course, you could opt for personalised one to one coaching at a time and place that’s right for you.
How To Become An Enthusiastic Public Speaker
You know from your own experience that an enthusiastic public speaker at your conference can really get things going. But how do you become so enthusiastic? In this tip we look at some ways you too can be an enthusiastic public speaker. So, no matter if you are speaking at Mobile World Congress or the local golf club, you’ll be ready.
How To Give Office Party Speeches
Office party speeches can be a serious headache for any speaker. So to help you out here some tips for your office party speeches this year.
How And Why You Should Pause In Public Speaking
You can define the best public speeches as much by their pauses as their words. So, in this public speaking tip we look at how to use pauses in a speech.
Effective Public Speaking Tips
How Your Language Boosts Effective Public Speaking
When you work on your next speech here are five public speaking tips for better use of language for more effective public speaking. Because it really is true that your language has a big impact on the quality of your speech.
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking
If you get at all nervous before a public speaking event then you will appreciate that you are not alone. Therefore, here are some public speaking tips helping you overcome your fear of public speaking.
How To Open Your Speech With Style: 5 Ways To Open Your Speech
Opening your speech doesn’t have to be daunting. To prove the point, here are five successful public speaking tips showing you how to open your speech with style.
Public Speaking Tips From The Telling it Straight Newsletter
Telling it Straight is a monthly newsletter that provides top tips and public speaking skills advice. With useful pointers for better speeches, this is a must read for serious public speakers wanting skills help.
You too can receive the public speaking tips newsletter. So, just fill in your email address details to receive regular public speaking skills tips.
Confident Public Speaking
Why The Start To Your Speech Matters
Your first 90 seconds with your audience matters the most. This successful public speaking tip shows five good reasons why how you start your speech is so important.
How You Can Give A Speech At Your Office Party
When you plan some office party public speaking at your work party it pays to be as prepared as possible. So, to help you this year, here are ten tips for your perfect office party speech.
How To Deal With Public Speaking Interruptions
Here are five pointers for how to deal with mobile phones going off in the middle of your speech. Public speaking – dealing with interruptions looks at 5 ways to tackle smart-phones going off during your speech.
Manage Your Stage Fright When You Give A Speech
How You Can Overcome Stage Fright When You Speak In Public
This tip gives you some essential ideas on how you can overcome stage fright when public speaking. And since you are not alone, there’s lots of material to help you out.
Your Prompter Choices For Your Next Speech
In this tip we look at some of the choices you have as prompters for your next speech: script, iPhone, iPad or auto-cue (tele-prompter).
How To Give The Office Party Speech
It’s that time of year when you have to consider the office party. And is there a chance that you need to give a speech? If so, then we have ten top tips for how to give the office party speech.
How You Can Use Humour In Your Speech
When you know how to use humour in your speech then you are really going to enjoy yourself giving speeches.
How To Conclude Your Speech
Knowing how to conclude your speech is always a key skill. And, of course, there's more to it than just finishing on time. Because you really do want to finish your speech with style.
How To Tackle Public Speaking Nerves
Having to give a speech doesn't need to leave you a nervous wreck, so just follow this plan to banish your public speaking nerves.
Is It Time To Boost Your Skill Levels?
Confident and successful speeches start here.
So, if you're ready to discuss how you can boost your skills, let's talk.
Public Speaking Tips For The Big Occasion
How To Give Your Resignation Speech
When you need to give a resignation speech these public speaking tips should help you get it just right.
How Long Should Your Speech Be?
Getting the duration of your conference speech just right is a critical skill for any speaker, so these tips should help.
Of course you can also find out more tips on a PresentPerfectTM public speaking training course. And because you can train at more than 40 off-site training centres, you are never that far away. So, when the time is right, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Contact Details
Please don't hesitate to get in touch for public speaking course advice.
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01344 859823
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