How to Use Speech Titles That Attract an Audience

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Can speech titles attract audience? Yes they can. And yes, they do.

So, the title to your speech matters. It matters because it could attract your audience.

Alternatively, when you choose the wrong title to your speech you stand the chance of losing your audience.

Because your speech title has to provide something for your audience. That means each audience member, in their own individual way, will look to your speech's title for:

  • Value
  • Benefit
  • Significance
Speech titles attract audience

Speech Titles Attract Audience Every Time

So, a speech title with value and benefit goes a long way in answering an audience's first question:

What's in it for me?

That's right. You have a demanding audience. Your audience needs value and benefit. That's because they want something in return for their time commitment—their precious time spent listening to you.

A speech title that attracts an audience provides an insight into the core of the subject, the argument or the position of you, the speaker. That's not something that José Manuel Durão Barroso achieved with this lengthy EU speech.

For example, the title to your speech might be:

10 Reasons Why You Should Support a Sugar Tax

This speech title should prove suggestive of your position and possible benefits to your audience.

In comparison, consider what's happening with this title.

Sugar Tax: A Discussion

Not much value there you might think. And you are right.

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Get Your Titles To Work For You

That's because the first title anticipates a stance and benefits. The second title suggests views, discussion and talk. But, it falls short of realistic gain. So, an audience will see this distinction. That's because they want to get something for their time investment. And that's why a title that suggests value is always going to be preferred to one that doesn't.

Therefore, a title to your speech is important. So, remember to fashion a title that promotes value, significance and benefit to your audience.

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