Discover the Top 20 Presentation Tips

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Discover the top 20 presentation tips…they're ideal for anyone with or without experience of giving presentations!

Boost Your Confidence Ready For Your Next Presentation

Are you anxious at the prospect of giving a presentation at work? Or perhaps at a conference?

It's a fact that many of us do feel real anxiety when we're asked to give a presentation at work, at a seminar or a conference. And, for others, we actively avoid  giving a presentation in public.

Of course when we consider our own job prospects and our own career progression, this isn't exactly useful. Because the very fact that we aren't being seen or heard at work can make us unnoticed.

And that's not a great feeling when we stop and think about our colleagues leaping up the corporate ladder. But the real problem is that we know we could do it. We really could give that presentation, if we had the opportunity and the knowledge.

And that's the essence. We want the confidence and the skill-set to show what we can do and how we do it.

Because when you give a great presentation you exude authority. It happens. And that's a bankable asset for anyone who wants to get on with their career.

Presentation skills training gives you the skill-set and confidence that you need.

It's a fact. We know it after so many years training people to give presentations at conferences around the world.

So, this online course, the Top 20 Presentation Tips, gives you a real insight into how you too can give a great, effective presentation.

Discover The Top 20 Presentation Tips

The Top 20 Presentation Tips is an online course that gives you the presentation tips and techniques you need when you want to be a successful presenter. These are the essential tips for any presenter who wants to give work-place, seminar or conference presentations. Learn the Top 20 Presentation Tips that we teach on all our courses. And, discover how you can use them to be successful and confident when you give your next presentation.

Enroll now and aim to become a better presenter today!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Enroll On This Online Course

You can access this online course whenever you want, once you've enrolled. So, after you have enrolled you'll have full access to the 30-minute skills video and all the accompanying notes. You should aim to complete the course in an hour, at which stage you'll have a better understanding of what you'll need for your next presentation.


Become more confident with all your presentations and watch yourself flourish when you undertake other presenting opportunities.

Communication Skill

Grow your communication skills as you learn new ways in which to give your presentation.

Career Progression

You can't deny that so many executives with senior jobs can give a good presentation And that's a career path that's open to anyone with sound presentation skills. So, now's your chance to grow those skills with The Top 20 Presentation Tips.

Job Opportunities

Employers expect so much of you nowadays. But one thing has always been important and that's sound presentation skills. Because employers want to recruit and retain good ambassadors for their organisations. So, with The Top 20 Presentation Tips, you'll present well at interview and beyond.

What’s In The Course?

You've got one 30-minute training video and all the accompanying notes to work though in this online course.

The Top 20 Presentation Tips

In this course you are set to discover the Top 20 Presentation Tips, essential for your next presentation. All the tips originate in our face to face courses, training and coaching sessions..

You start off considering the purpose or mission for your presentation. What is it you're looking to achieve.

Then you look at objectives for your presentation. How to build them and how many you should have for any presentation.

You follow that with audience research. It's essential and you really do want to do it early in the process.

Planning and preparing is the next presentation tip. And at this stage you want to mass as much material as you possibly can...and work out a title for your presentation.

Your presentation points are the next thing we look at. Don't have too many is the main rule.

A theme is also a good element for any successful presentation and we look at your options in the video.

You can't ignore rehearsal and so we look at some critical rehearsal techniques for you to follow.

Editing your material before you give your presentation meets several objectives. And so we look at these next.

Organising your presentation is the next tip. A cracking beginning, a sound middle and  a riveting conclusion are real goals for every presenter.

Preparing answers to questions might be something you overlook. And that's a mistake, since when you're ready for questions you'll also be more confident.

Dressing the part and looking good at your presentation might not be your first priority. Yet, you'll be amazed how important it is for your own confidence.

You'll also look into breathing and breath control. Yes, they're essential for obvious reasons! But they also play important roles in the quality of your spoken delivery and your confidence.

And being confident also has its own special tip as it's imperative you remember just how good you are on the subject and why you're the one for this presentation topic.

Engaging your audience is often mentioned by people. But how do you do it? This tip shows you how to do it.

Many people might overlook the power and importance of your voice in your presentation. That's a mistake. Because your voice and vocal delivery are not secondary to a PowerPoint or Keynote slide deck.

The pause receives its own special tip. And that's because it has a special place in your delivery. It helps your breathing and it also builds dramatic effect as you audience awaits your next word. Special.

Setting the right pace with your presentation is next. You don't want to be too fast and not too slow and certainly not a metronome. Because the speed of your delivery will have its impact on your audience.

Eye contact with your audience is also in the Top 20 Presentation Tips. And that's because it's going to boost your confidence and help your audience to participate with your presentation.

We touch on rhetorical techniques for your presentation. They're not just for the politicians! They're universal techniques that you might even use without knowing it. For example, the presentation points we looked at earlier...that's a rhetorical technique. And so is the pause. Here we look at three others: association, historical linkages and humour.

Time planning can't be overlooked by any presenter and so we look at four elements of time planning you need to plan for in your next presentation.

Questions and Answers

Once you've completed all the lessons in the course, you can ask questions of your trainer and book a 30-minutes question and answer video call.

There's a 30-minute video to guide you through the Top 20 Presentation Tips and also notes on each section. And, you've also got a "test your knowledge" section at the midway point and also at the end.

About The Course Creator, Andrew Ivey

Andrew is the principal trainer at Time to Market where he leads public speaking and presentation courses throughout the UK.

In addition he writes most of the blog posts for The Art of Presentation, with an eye for the unusual, the arcane and the outrageous from presenters and public speakers worldwide.

presentating skills
Online presentation skills

Great Value Online Training

£37 inc. VAT

You can boost your own skills with some solid tuition, practice sessions and examples with this online course. And at £37 including VAT that's excellent value. Because it includes the key points from the morning session of a presentation skills course and you have the chance to focus on your own learning and skills without interruption. Of course you'll need to provide your own refreshments!

We like face to face training at client premises, hotels or business centres around the UK. We also like to keep our trainee numbers to no more than ten for a corporate course where everyone knows one another.


If you want face to face training first and foremost then you can always take advantage of a Presentation Refresher or a presentation skills coaching day. You can book a face to face Presentation Refresher for £397 plus VAT or a full day's coaching for £599 plus VAT.


  • Your venue
  • Choose a date
  • Personal coach
  • Tailored approach
  • A half day of coaching
  • Includes refreshments and lunch
  • Full training pack
  • Plus VAT


online course:
  • Your venue
  • Your timing
  • Lifetime access
  • Regular course contents
  • 1 hour of online training
  • Updates always included
  • Compatibility: Desktop, Mac, Laptop, Tablets
  • Includes VAT


  • Your venue
  • Choose a date
  • Up to ten participants
  • Personal trainer
  • Tailored approach
  • A full day of training
  • Includes refreshments and lunch
  • Full training pack
  • Plus VAT

Simply watch the video in this online training course and test your knowledge, THEN you'll notice a marked improvement in your presentation skills and confidence…OR your money back.

Why can we be so sure? Because when we teach these top tips on our face to face courses we see how participant confidence and skills really do grow. Yes, it's face to face instruction, and that's clearly somewhat different to this online course. But, these are the same tips, the same knowledge.

Good luck.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before I start this online course?

Nothing at all. Because you don't need prior experience of a presentation in class, a seminar or at a conference to join this course. So, you don't need to prepare or complete any reading!

How much real experience do I need?

You can't discount good presentation experience. But if that prior experience leaves you feeling dreadful, that's no good. So, it's never too early for you to consider how you can build your own presentation skills for success. Because your subsequent experience will be that much better.

Can anyone become a great presenter?

Yes. Because the essential toolkit items are: skills, confidence and enthusiasm.

Now you might fake sincerity or passion for a while, but you can't fake skills, confidence and enthusiasm for long. And why would you want to? Because you can always grow those presenting skills and you'll be more confident as a result.

What skills will I learn?

In this online course you will discover the top 20 presentation tips, why they matter to you and also why they matter to your audience. You'll discover new ways to approach your next presentation and so, improve your own practice.

Can I really boost my own confidence?

Confidence comes with skill. So when you have the skills you'll be more confident as a result.

Please note that pre-presentation nerves will always be useful and they keep us on our toes. But we're not frightened of a presentation. Because we know that we have the skills to deliver it.

What are the next steps?

Just complete the course, and then look out for a presentation opportunity. At work, perhaps?

Give yourself time to plan and prepare your presentation to the timescale expected, research your audience, refine and rehearse your words and you'll do your best.

Build You Own Skills

Our goal is for you to give the most effective presentations possible. And our training courses aim for that goal every time we train people just like you.

This online course is no different. So, it features the top presentation tips of a full morning's face to face training session. Our one regret is that we can't offer tea, biscuits and lunch. But that's a small drawback for an online training session!

We hope you enjoy this course.

Time to Market

International House, 36-38 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3NG, United Kingdom
