Monmouthshire County Council Budget Presentation Rocks

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Councillor Phil Murphy of Monmouthshire County Council is on a mission. That’s a mission to explain and educate his local electors about Monmouthshire’s spending and revenue plans. Because those plans involve a £150 million budget. And they involve some significant reductions to budget. Common to just about every part of local government Monmouthshire County Council finds itself caught between a rock and a hard place in these straitened financial times. So, a Council budget presentation was needed.

Council Budget presentation
Monmouthshire County Council Budget Presentation 2013

2013 Council Budget Presentation

In previous presentations Councillor Murphy has addressed his audience with a PowerPoint presentation. But this year, in a departure from earlier presentations, Mr Murphy explains the Monmouthshire budget plans through an extended interview.

And it’s good. In fact, it rocks. Or more exactly Councillor Murphy rocks.

He rocks from side to side as he presents his subject. That’s something that he’ll get to grips with as his confidence in this presentation format grows.

Our advice would be to keep the shoulders still, look at your interviewer and talk. A kindly camera operator could help him next time we reckon.

That’s it. There’s really not much more to it. Keep working on cutting out the ums and errs and work on shorter sentences. Then Mr Murphy’s presentations will really rock.

Council Budget Presentation In Detail

It’s clear that the Councillor knows his subject inside out. He’s prepared to tackle everything and consider every angle in this presentation.

As a presenter he’s not prepared to present his constituents as victims of “cuts.” In fact he challenges whether “cuts” is indeed the right word to use. In many areas it seems that the County Council is actually re-allocating budgets and investing in key areas. He gets his message across with conviction.

Beyond the seriously good material here, what was our favourite line?

With green waste…we will be encouraging people to compost themselves…

Marvellous. And he hadn’t yet presented the section dedicated to the management of graveyards.

This proved to be an enjoyable video presentation on a tricky political subject. So, a credit to all involved.

Update: Ten Years On

Unfortunately the video of this enjoyable budget presentation is no longer available. That's a shame, but we can't preserve everything.

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The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market. Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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