Finding Christmas stocking fillers can be a problem. But with only a day’s shopping to go before Christmas, you still have some good choices for your presenter’s stocking. One good choice for the active presenter or public speaker might be a Wireless Presenter with pointing capability.
There are so many devices on the market that it would be hard to run through a complete review of all of them. I’ve used a Logitech wireless pointer for some time now.
Yes, there are times when I don’t use it, but when I do, it’s reliable and hard-working. Certainly a recommend.
Logitech R800 Professional Wireless Presenter
Logitech has a serious track record in building reliable wireless presenters. Their current model, the Logitech R800 Professional Presenter continues that fine record.
Many wireless presenters are a bit clunky. But, this one isn’t. It’s sleek and well-styled, fitting firmly into the palm of your hand.
As a wireless presenter it’s not over-engineered. Its controls are simple, intuitive and well-devised. So, it helps you to stay in control of your presentations without becoming over fiddly. Buttons are few in number–that’s important as you navigate from slide to slide.
Importantly it’s powered by AAA batteries and its LCD display gives you all the essential information you need…remaining power for example.
A green light laser pointer suggests a better visibility than a red laser pointer. That’s debatable. But the science is probably on the side of the Logitech designers.
Once you are familiar with its controls you could have a go at setting some of the timers or prompts that the R800 supports. You might take a while to get used to these. But they will help your presentation to keep to time. And, of course, we all know that time planning for presenters is everything.
Are there any compromises with this device? Yes. Two drawbacks are clear. First, the R800 wireless pointer can’t click on presentation hyperlinks. And second, the device can’t operate the sound controls on your computer. In both these areas you will need to manage without the R800.
Drawbacks, yes. But for simplicity and ease of use, there has to be some compromise with utility. Your alternative is to depend on a set of fiddly controls that keep you away from your audience.
Merry Christmas
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