Teams vying to host the 2018 Winter Olympics have arrived in Lausanne for the next round of their ice dancing presentation to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It’s a busy time. Just remember that the Katarina Witt presentation team was in London only last month. All their ice dancing presentations will be of a technical nature and will be held in private without the world’s watching media. Thus, each presentation is designed to take 45 minutes with an extra 45 minutes for questions. So, presentation timing will be everything in a 90 minute presentation slot.

There’s a lot at stake. Not least the fact that by the time the teams get to their final presentations in Durban on 6th July, most of the Olympic committee members will probably have reached a decision. Yes, the final presentations are public, but they are glossy presentations–not decision making presentations.
Ice Dancing Presentation Battle Of Olympic Stars
But even though the presentations tomorrow in Lausanne are private there’s an intriguing angle with two of the team leaders. The former Olympic ice dance champion, Katarina Witt (Olympic champion in 1984 and 1988), is fronting up Germany’s bid. And Yu-Na Kim, the Olympic champion in 2010, fronts up South Korea’s presentation team.
In marked contrast the French presentation will be led by the banking entrepreneur Charles Beigbeder. The town of Annecy didn’t get off to a good start in the contest for 2018. So they will need to make up some ground with their ice dancing presentation. That’s certainly the case as they need to catch up on Munich and PyeongChang. These team presentation tips might help.
But the rules for their presentations are the same. So, each team has to set up a presentation room in readiness for tomorrow’s live presentation. And their set-up should include demonstrations, models and physical layouts of each of the winter sports centres involved.
Bon chance.
Of course, you can aim to give your presentation outcomes a real boost with a presentation skills training session. You can choose from a range of training formats, one-day or half-day courses, on-site, off-site and online. And, because you have more than 40 training centres from which to choose, you are never that far from your nearest training. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch when you are ready.
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