I’m not usually inspired by the indulgent emails purporting to come from war widows or orphans. Especially those who claim a domicile in Nigeria, Sierra Leone or the Congo. Typically they are mendacious and often very dangerous. Rarely funny.

But the one that I received yesterday inspired a chuckle or two on account of a superb typo.
Words Prove A Fatal Attraction For This Business Magnet
The war orphan’s comment that her deceased father was a highly reputable business magnet had me wondering, “what’s the attraction?”
A good typo can definitely make up for some turgid text in any document or speech. Here’s to spell checker malfunctions. Of course, in the 2017 Theresa May conference speech we spotted some word errors. Of course they didn’t start off as typos. But once the backdrop started to fail, there was no end to it.
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