Home Office PowerPoint Presentation Penetrates Homeland Security

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  • Home Office PowerPoint Presentation Penetrates Homeland Security

We've reported on some fantastic government PowerPoint presentations in the past. Who can forget the PowerPoint slides that helped to expel Russian diplomats? Or the government by PowerPoint stance taken by Prime Minister Modi in India, let alone the NSA PowerPoint presentation that exposed the PRISM programme? So we were delighted to see this week's exposure of the latest fantastical Home Office PowerPoint presentation by Guido Fawkes. And, yes, it is fantastical.

Home office PowerPoint presentation

Home Office PowerPoint Presentation Penetrates Security Yet Bores For Britain

Apparently it's a presentation that intends to influence staff behaviours in the office and off-site among Home Office counter-terrorism people. Crikey! However, this Home Office PowerPoint presentation focuses entirely on gender and the apparent contradictions we face at work. And it's all done in ten or so slides.

Critically the presentation, for the Homeland Security Group in the Home Office, directs itself at Best Practice. It's probably at this stage that the audience wishes it was elsewhere. Because this is prescriptive stuff. Altogether it does appear to have been prepared by an organisation other than the Home Office. Stonewall, perhaps? who knows. Did the creator of the presentation actually give this presentation or simply send an email to all staff? Because if there was an actual presentation event or two, then they were surely stultifying.

Tedious PowerPoint Presentation Materials

Not least because the presentation material is the standard fare that we can expect from a government department prepared to bore for Britain. So, it's an odd mix of bullet point lists, loads of text, dreadful graphics, awful graphs and standard PowerPoint templates. Really, does the UK Government still turn out such mediocre material for staff training? Apparently so. Perhaps it's time to manage their presentations with AI?

Tips To Make Your Office PowerPoint Presentation Engaging

PowerPoint can be a very useful presentation tool, so it pays to use it to your best advantage. Nobody wants death by PowerPoint. So, use it to help you get your message and points across to your audience.

  1. 1
    Don't Use Bullet Points
  2. 2
    Use Pictures As Visual Metaphors
  3. 3
    Don't Mix Charts and Graphs With Bullet Points or Text
  4. 4
    Use Colours Wisely and Pick a Palette
  5. 5
    Select a Legible Typeface and Big Font Size

We've got lots of good PowerPoint resources among our presentation tips. And when you're ready to give your own PowerPoint presentation skills a real boost, then you can always sign up for an online training course, a corporate training day or one-to-one coaching. Please don't hesitate to get in touch when the time is right.


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The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market. Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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