Surprise Resignation Speech From Nicola Sturgeon

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  • Surprise Resignation Speech From Nicola Sturgeon

Another day and another resignation speech. This time it's a surprise resignation speech from the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon. If this was a surprise to us, then it was a surprise to many others, not least the Press Corps gathered at Bute House in Edinburgh this morning. Because it's only a few months since we reported on the Nicola Sturgeon "Now is the Time" speech.

Surprise resignation speech

Sturgeon Resignation Speech Proves A Surprise To Most

But if this speech was a surprise then it was also meticulous in its construction and delivery. Yes, we did note the political aide making stage notes on the lectern before the First Minister arrived! And it was also noticeably long for your typical resignation speech. Certainly much longer than David Cameron's resignation speech in 2016. So, we heard plenty of political campaigning especially in her final "reflections". But, there were no tears, unlike the Theresa May resignation speech.

No Surprises In This Resignation Speech

Despite its unexpected timing, this Sturgeon resignation speech got quickly to the point. Six introductory sentences and we heard…

In my head and my heart, I know that time is now. That it is right for me, for my party, and for the country.
And so today, I am announcing my intention to step down as First Minister and leader of my party.

Before she outlined the reasons for her resignation speech, Nicola used a very neat reference to her core audience.

But to those who do feel shocked, disappointed, perhaps even a bit angry with me, please know that, while hard - and be in no doubt, this is really hard for me - my decision comes from a place of duty and of love.

This resignation speech was comparatively light with the metaphors. Yet Nicola did manage one or two examples.

When it comes to navigating choppy waters, resolving seemingly intractable issues, or soldiering on when walking away would be the simpler option, I have plenty experience to draw on.

Humour In The Sturgeon Resignation Speech

Despite the seriousness of her lines, the First Minister managed some light humour in her speech.

Nicola sturgeon

-first minister-

I know there will be some across the country who feel upset by this decision, and by the fact I am taking it now.

Of course, for balance, there will others who will - how should I put this - cope with the news just fine. Such is the beauty of democracy.


and also,

These jobs are a privilege. But they are also - rightly - hard.
And, especially in the case of First Minister, relentlessly so.
Now to be clear, I am not expecting violins - but I am a human being as well as a politician.


When I entered government in 2007, my niece and youngest nephew were babies, just months old. As I step down, they are about to celebrate their 17th birthdays.
Now that I think about it, that's exactly the age to be horrified at the thought of your auntie suddenly having more time for you.

We noted how the First Minister managed her script placed on her lectern. With both hands she'd take each read page and place it on the "finished" pile. If those pages were also numbered, then they weren't to be read in the wrong order. That's good work. And not a surprise.

So, with her surprise resignation speech completed she took the all-important questions. Of course she had carefully signaled the subject of questions during her speech. Also impeccable. But, beyond Bute House the questions were only ever to grow in number.

Tips For Your Resignation Speech, Surprise or Otherwise

It's not often that we're bounced into a poorly-prepared resignation speech. More often than not the entire affair is carefully choreographed and scripted. Even if it's a surprise to many! So, these tips should help when you're in this position.

  1. 1
    Be brief. Brevity is always best for this speech.
  2. 2
    Be scripted. Aim to use a script or cue cards for your resignation speech. You'll stay on-message, follow the right path and stay on time.
  3. 3
    Manage your stage. Will you need a microphone, podium or lectern to speak to your audience? If so, then someone will need to provide them. 
  4. 4
    Practise and rehearse. Yes, you've got the time and space to do this, so do put in the practice.
  5. 5
    Thank everyone. It's vital, because the work doesn't stop once you've resigned.

You can always review our series of public speaking tips when you want help with your resignation speech. And, when you are ready for some serious public speaking training or public speaking coaching, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can offer courses and coaching at more than 40 training centres. And, additionally we can even train your team at their own premises with a corporate training package.


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The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market. Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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