Zardari Speech Marks Fourth Anniversary

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Speeches given by Pakistan President Zardari have a tendency to baffle, bemuse and befuddle. And that’s often their intention. So, this Zardari speech that commemorated the fourth anniversary of the assassination of his wife and former Presidential candidate, Benazir Bhutto, was not an exception.

President Zardari speech
President Zardari Speech Marks Benazir Bhutto Assassination

His speech posed more questions than answers. The assassins of the former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto are neither known,  apprehended nor indicted. It’s not too dissimilar to the death of President Zia in 1988. A mystery.

And much of his speech remained a mystery. Because it might have been critical of the role of the USA in the Middle East. And then again it might not. It also might have been supportive of an investment project with Iran, and then again, perhaps not.

Zardari Speech Negotiation

That’s the nature of a President Zardari speech. It’s a negotiation, a conversation. But not like the negotiation we expect in a Theresa May speech on Brexit. So, he uses his speeches to project views and opinions and gauge reactions. His speeches can be more combative, but this was not.

If his speech aimed to project the image of a President functionally fit and capable after his recent foreign medical treatment, then he did that. Anyone minded to seek his removal from office on grounds of physical impairment must wait a while.

Of course this particular Pakistan President speech will keep the wheels of the ox cart rolling. But in which direction and for how long?

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The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market. Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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