Iran’s President Ahmadinejad had another eventful day at the United Nations (UN) this week. Last year his speech to the UN was boycotted by numerous government delegations. This year no-one boycotted his speech. There again, they really didn’t need to because technical problems disrupted the opening two minutes of this Farsi speech. As if that wasn’t enough, the simultaneous translation of the speech then stopped altogether. What a farce.
The translators continued with a prepared translated text of the Farsi speech into English. The sense was that many of the President’s main points weren’t being picked up in the prepared transcript. I’d suggest that his audience managed to understand very little indeed. Since the whole point of this type of event is the translation into a multitude of languages. Since dialogue is meant to be the very essence of the UN. Unless it’s a Farsi speech, perhaps.
However, the President kept it together, in very difficult speaking conditions. His experience must add to his obvious belief that many countries get a raw deal from the UN. And we can’t blame him for thinking that. Because this really is one conference venue in the world that really should do better.
Farsi Language Farce For The President
But they don’t always get it right. Since India’s External Affairs Minister found out with the wrong speech at the United Nations. On that occasion, of course, they did manage to fix the problem. As did Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa when he found the lost speech for President Mugabe at a conference. Yes, it can happen!
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Spoke too soon. His speech yesterday at the United Nations prompted another walk-out from some delegations. I wonder if that’s the audience reaction he’s looking for when he gets to work with the speech writer?
He is a braveman, Good, I’ll support you