Trump Victory Speech Points to Republican Nomination

Posted in   Speeches   on  February 1, 2024  

If you have a nervous disposition then a President Trump victory speech must be an ordeal. But wait just a moment, because this victory speech followed the recent New Hampshire primary vote. He's not quite there yet.

More pertinently, you might feel nervous about a Donald Trump victory speech because you just don't hear the magnanimity you might expect of a typical American victor. Let alone a British winner. No, it's quite a contrast.

President Trump victory speech in New Hampshire

A Trump Victory Speech With a Difference

So when President Trump won the recent New Hampshire Republican party primary in a convincing fashion, we expected something different. And that was what he served up.

Trump Victory Speech Starts With Hollering

President Trump began his victory speech with the classic whooping and hollering. It's how they do it at these rallies. And it works. But then, we heard a tirade aimed at his Republican opponent in the primary, Nikki Haley.

She had a very bad night.

However, we know that the President does have some self-awareness!

This is not your typical victory speech.

We don't expect a Donald Trump speech, let alone a victory speech, to feature any self-deprecation. And we weren't disappointed when he referred to the previous week's Iowa caucus result.

It was the best in the history of the caucus.

Marvellous. But there was even worse for Nikki Haley.

Ron came in second, and he left. She came in third and she's still hanging around.

Victory Speech Hits all the Bases

With more than a side swipe at the New Hampshire Governor and others, we heard.

I don't get too angry, I get even.

Despite everything, Donald Trump will share his stage. And share he did with Vivek Ramaswamy who dropped out of the race for the nomination two weeks ago.

Vote Trump. USA

A Donald Trump victory speech is different. And it's special. Since we're not convinced that anyone else could carry this off!

Furthermore, a Trump speech is more of a two-way rally because he's not concerned with interruptions or outbursts from his audience. And that's never more evident than watching him work with the shouts of, USA, USA, USA or Trump, Trump, Trump. Or, indeed with the signs and posters in the crowd. He draws attention to them and simply makes it work.

We're going to turn our country around.

Concluding This Trump Victory Speech

Was he finished? No.

You can't let people get away with bullsh**t

An yet another swipe at Nikki Haley!

We don't know what will happen in the November general election, but Donald Trump is looking like a shoe-in for the Republicans nomination.

Autocue Speech

Eight years ago the commentators were wondering whether Donald Trump could be successful. In this speech he used autocue (teleprompt) and the rest is history.

How to Give a Victory Speech Like President Trump

We're not convinced that anyone could deliver a victory speech in the style of a President Trump victory speech. But, if you want to try, here are some tips:

  1. 1
    Don't be magnanimous.
  2. 2
    Humiliate your vanquished opponent.
  3. 3
    Keep it short as brevity is always best.
  4. 4
    Have a good backdrop if you need some good media coverage.
  5. 5
    Get other people, such as Vivek Ramaswamy, to say how marvellous you are.

When you need to deliver your very own victory or acceptance speech, you'll discover plenty of public speaking tips, podcasts and videos to help you with your challenge. And, with more than 100 top tips for speakers, there's something here for every speaker. And, when you're ready to take your own speeches to the next level, even to new Hampshire perhaps, then please don't hesitate to get in touch about public speaking training.


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The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market. Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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