we can help
Do you need to review your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation?
We can review your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, online with a video call, so you have the feedback you need for presentation success.
PowerPoint Control

Just choose either a one hour or two hour slot.
Why A Review Matters
With PowerPoint there comes a time when you wonder whether all your presentation design choices will really pay off. Will your slides actually work in front of an audience? When this is the case, then it's time for a presentation review.
This can be a challenge at the best of times. And when you have the pressure of time working against you it can be very tough. We believe we can help with an online PowerPoint review session.
The PowerPoint Presentation Review
the powerpoint problem
Presentations Can Be A Problem
the powerpoint solution
An online PowerPoint Or Keynote Presentation Review.
Choose either a one hour or two hour slot.
Your Presentation Review
When you need to review your presentation for comment and feedback, then please get in touch.
Corporate Courses
Online Courses
We Can Review Your Presentation
Your focus is on:
So, you have a PowerPoint presentation ready. But, you're not sure that it really fits the bill. Plus, you're also not convinced how your slides might work with your audience. That's an issue that you really do want to put right.

When you are happy with your presentation slide deck you should feel your presentation confidence flow…comfortable with just about everything in your presentation. So, reviewing your presentation with someone else will give your confidence a real boost.
With a third party's overview you can be assured of some real insight into your slides.
So, why not book one of our review slots…and make your presenting task that much easier. Because it's that simple.
Our Fees
We price our PowerPoint presentation review sessions at £75* for one hour duration or £100* for two hours duration. For the session, you will need a PC or Mac and an open browser (such as Chrome). However, you don't need to download any video conferencing App.
Please ensure that you have your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation readily available so that we can screen share the slides during the video conference session.
* Includes VAT
Book Your Review Session!
Get started today with your PowerPoint presentation review!
Just choose either a one hour or two hour slot.
"If you live only for yourself you are always in immediate danger of being bored to death with the repetition of your own views and interests.
W. Beran Wolf