Video: How to Conclude Your Speech

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How To Conclude Your Speech

Concluding Your Speech

When you know how to conclude your speech, you really can boost your own confidence, ready for your next big public speaking event.

Therefore, here are a few tips to make sure you are ready to conclude your speech.

  • Consider a summary conclusion.
  • A winding-up conclusion to your speech always works well.
  • Calls to action work well with most audiences.
  • Get inspired and use a quotation when you conclude your speech.
  • Try some humour as you finish your speech, perhaps with a reference to a key date.

The conclusion to your speech doesn’t have to be quick and nervy. Simply choose a conclusion style that suits your speech, so that you are ready to finish well. So, good luck with the finish to your speech.

“Great art picks up where nature ends.”

Marc Chagall

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