It’s quite a coup when you pull off an impromptu speech. Your success happens when your audience believe your words to be unscripted. Unprepared. Unrehearsed. Because the audience guess you know how to give an impromptu speech.
impromptu (im’promptju:) adv./a. 1. extempore; unrehearsed–n. 2. improvisation
In fact the opposite is true. Since your good impromptu speech requires more effort. Actually you need more effort to make your speech sound unpolished, truthful and energetic.
Pointers For How To Give Your Speech
So, there are 3 main pointers for a good impromptu speech: stick to the basics, build understanding and keep a good pace.
Step 1
Stick to the basics. First, aim for a solid beginning. Perhaps you can reference a date, a person or a place. Then, of course, you can set your subject into this context.
Second, keep to your three main points. Ensure that each of them is self-standing. Then, use dynamic verbal imagery and the active tense to reinforce your responsibility.
Third, your speech’s conclusion should bring everything together. Aim to wrap up, re-define, re-emphasise and confirm. All done.
Step 2
Build understanding. Don’t leave your audience in the dark. So, if you want them to understand something then spell it out. Show them how something works or could work. Then, check their understanding. Because that’s your job as a speaker. So if you want them to do something, then ask them to do it. Again, that’s your job.
Step 3
Pace and pauses. Be alert to the pace of your impromptu speech. Since you want your audience to follow you and remain engaged. That’s because with a slower delivery pace you can aim for your audience to reflect on your words. And therefore, they will be prepared for your next point. Thus, a good pausing strategy will help you.
How To Give An Impromptu Speech
You might have been amazed by someone giving an impromptu speech. Good. But did you realise how much work went into that speech? There are always some cues, such as this UKIP conference speech. So, to show you how it’s done, here are 3 tips for how you can give an impromptu speech.
- 1Stick to the basics and keep it simple.
- 2Build understanding with your audience and don’t leave them behind.
- 3Be alert to the pace you are setting…aim to be measured in your delivery.
So, the secret to a good impromptu speech? Preparation. Because that’s it.
Of course, for more skills tips and pointers on how to give an impromptu speech you can always attend a beginner presentation training course or organise a one to one coaching session. So, please don’t hesitate to get in touch when the time is right for an impromptu speech.
“If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.”
Woodrow Wilson
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