How To Be a Good Presenter Using Images in Your Presentation

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When you want to know how to be a good presenter, then using good quality images in your presentation is an important factor. Whether you use props or screen images you want to engage the visual perception of your audience. It’s so vital.

Having an awareness of what your audience will perceive is the first step. The whole effect comes from your use of quality imagery to fully engage your audience. Thus you ensure interest and relevancy.

Being in the audience for an engaging and informative presentation should be a great experience. As an audience member you should identify with the images, the pictures, and moving media.

Because you should see the link between the words spoken by the speaker and the images employed. And you should certainly appreciate the flow of the presentation through the imagery.

You might even sense what is coming next from seeing the images in action.

How to be a good presenter

How To Be A Good Presenter With Visual Images

How To Be A Good Presenter
Use Images As Visual Metaphors

As the speaker your task is to use images, pictures and multimedia as visual metaphors. They work in three very important ways.

  1. 1
    Visual metaphors reinforce your words.
  2. 2
    They reinforce your main points.
  3. 3
    They add value to your theme or your central message.

Your choice of media and your image selection should be consistent. That’s consistent with the rest of your presentation. PowerPoint or otherwise. And consistent with your audience’s tastes and disposition. Because your images could help you to build a sense of expectation and excitement. So, when they are combined with the right pace, the right words and the right pauses your images should prove a powerful force. This job search presentation is a fine example of solid imagery in a hard-hitting format. And, equally so, is this Paris presentation.

Therefore, when you plan how to be a good presenter, remember these pointers.

Good Presenting Every Time

When you plan to be a good presenter it pays to be prepared with all the visual imagery you need to be really effective.

You can discover more tips on how to be a good presenter with a public presentation training course at any one of more than 40 training centres. So please don’t hesitate to get in touch when you feel the need to boost your presentation skills.

“Many have been the wise speeches of fools, though not so many as the foolish speeches of wise men.”

Thomas Fuller

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